Nadine Tunasi

Surviour Speak Out Manager, Freedom from Torture

Nadine is an expert by experience, Managing  the Survivors Activism  at the NGO Freedom from Torture, and Survivor Champion for the UK Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict (PSVI). She helps to develop policies and supports refugees and asylum seekers navigating the asylum and immigration system in the UK. Nadine is a human rights advocate and has contributed to a number of research projects including the “Beyond Belief: How the Home Office fails survivors of torture at the asylum interview” report and “A Tool to Silence: Torture to Crush Dissent in the Democratic Republic of Congo” report (both with Freedom from Torture). Nadine consulted for the Institute for International Criminal Investigations (IICI), providing expertise on survivor-based approaches during the development of the Murad Code. Recently, Nadine also was an expert on the ongoing project to develop a “Sexual Violence and Stigma in Criminal Justice Systems and Courts Assessment Toolkit” (Synergy for Justice); as a survivor legal expert, she drafted the access to justice and pathways for survivors chapters.